Thursday, April 12, 2018

The 1 Self-Care Tip Literally Anyone Can Benefit From

The 1 Self-Care Tip Literally Anyone Can Benefit From

The way in which we feed ourselves is surprisingly one of the easiest and simplest forms of self-care. And there are two ways of doing this. Let's start with the physical, health-focused one.

Cook a nourishing meal

Eating healthy in and of itself is self-care. Different foods have different properties — some boost your mood, others energize you, and some help you sleep more soundly. Putting good food in your body is a sure-fire way — physiologically — to ensure you feel your best. This tip comes from Liz Letchford, MS, ATC, who said "spending the time to make myself a healthy meal nourishes both my body and my mind." She shared that in addition to making her body feel good, the cooking in and of itself "is very meditative; I like to slow down and enjoy every second of the meal prep."

Just indulge a little

Now for the emotional form of self-care. You'll probably love how two of our favorite registered dietitians both show themselves some self-care TLC with a tasty treat. "Sometimes, you should eat a little more dessert," said Lori Zanini, RD, CDE. "So much advice we see is about not caving to cravings, but no one food should always be off limits."

Lisa Eberly-Mastela, RD, MPH, feels similarly. She told us that she schedules self-care days on her calendar to grab a coffee and a chocolate croissant. No, it's not organic, non-GMO, raw, fresh produce, but it does wonders for feeding the soul.

Indulging every so often for the sake of health care can also have latent healthy effects on your diet. "I've found that when we have this 'all foods can fit into a healthy lifestyle' mentality, we are actually less likely to overeat, and we end up enjoying our meals so much more!" said Lori. So indulge now and end up back at point A (cooking a nourishing meal) later.

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Did you know inside the human body there’s the endocannabinoid system, with receptors spread throughout the brain and body???

CBD oil gives those receptors new life. Did you know that CBD could possibly change their condition?? Why suffer when there is something that might help?

Herbal CBD OIL Drops have helped me personally so much. I know they will also help you ! 

Order here –

Anxiety? depression?  Try delta 8

Treat viral, fungal and bacterial infections with COLLOIDAL SILVER

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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Health Benefits of Strawberries and Strawberry Leaves

Health Benefits of Strawberries and Strawberry Leaves

  Because of the heavy use of pesticides on commercial strawberries, this is definitely a fruit that you want to buy organic.

Strawberries pack a healthy punch!  According to the World's Healthiest Foods, they ranked 27th as a best food in the US, due to their high antioxidant level and ranked 4th among fruits.  They ranked 3rd for the highest antioxidant levels per serving size!

Strawberries are high in Vit. C, phytonutrients, and a good source of manganese.  They are anti-inflammatory in nature, have blood sugar regulating qualities, fight cancer, and benefit the cardiovascular system.

Strawberries are a fragile food, so if you cannot consume them within a day or two of picking or buying at the grocery store, then freeze them right away.  You want to look for berries that look plump and are bright red. 

Strawberry leaves are also of value!  These can be taken as a tea or in capsule form (do not take if you have a strawberry allergy).  The leaves can be used to help balance the acids in your digestive tract and are a good digestive tonic.  Strawberry leaves can also help to prevent anemia and help with aches and pains of arthritis.  They are rich in vitamins and minerals, and is one of the best natural sources of vit. C.  The leaves can be made into an infusion tea the same way you would use red raspberry leaves.

Stawberries not in season?  A supplement I recommend treats:

Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance, Syndrome X, obesity, hypoglycemia, diabetes, heart disease, and carbohydrate intolerance. With this proprietary formula based on true principles of proper nutrition and body function, these health conditions can be fully reversed with nothing but positive side effects. Thanks to this exclusive nutritional formula designed by Dr. Steven K. 

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Did you know inside the human body there’s the endocannabinoid system, with receptors spread throughout the brain and body???

CBD oil gives those receptors new life. Did you know that CBD could possibly change their condition?? Why suffer when there is something that might help?

Herbal CBD OIL Drops have helped me personally so much. I know they will also help you ! 

Order here –

Anxiety? depression?  Try delta 8

Treat viral, fungal and bacterial infections with COLLOIDAL SILVER

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Friday, April 6, 2018

Aromatherpy and Stress

Aromatherapy and Stress 

The workplace environment is often a place that produces stress.  Aromatherapy can be very helpful to reduce stress levels and create a more inviting work environment.

Please remember that when you are working with essential oils, it is critical to buy from sellers that have organic, high quality oils that have not been diluted in any way.  AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE IS THE BRAND I RECOMMEND.

An easy way to enjoy essential oils at work is to place 2-3 drops on a cotton ball and set that next to your computer at your workspace.

The following is a recipe from Healing Home Spa,by Valerie Cooksley, for an uplifting and purifying blend.  These oils can be placed in a 2 ounce dropper bottle (you want one that is colored - these can be purchased at Mountain Rose Herbs, as can the essential oils.  Simply click on my link to the right.)

9 parts lavender essential oil
3 parts lemon essential oil
2 parts geranium essential oil

Place these oils into your jar and place on the jar's cap.  Gently roll in your hands for a few seconds to blend the oils.  Label and date your jar.  This should last 6-9 months.  To use, place 2-3 drops on a cotton ball and set at your workstation.  As with all essential oils, it is good to rotate through your different oils and not use the same oils daily for long periods of time.  Try this synergy (blend) 2-3 times a week as needed.

*If you are pregnant or nursing, should consult your health care provider before using any essential oils.

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/*˛˚ •˚

Did you know inside the human body there’s the endocannabinoid system, with receptors spread throughout the brain and body???

CBD oil gives those receptors new life. Did you know that CBD could possibly change their condition?? Why suffer when there is something that might help?

Herbal CBD OIL Drops have helped me personally so much. I know they will also help you ! 

Order here –

Anxiety? depression?  Try delta 8

Treat viral, fungal and bacterial infections with COLLOIDAL SILVER

Like our recipes? Like tips?  Join our fun group --- >>

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Red Raspberry Leaf

Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry Leaves)

Red raspberry leaf has become the herb of choice for pregnant women due to it's ability to tone the uterus, shorten labor, and help prevent cervical tears, but I would also like to list its benefits outside of pregnancy.  We regularly consume this herb in our household as a tea.

Here are just some of the other benefits of red raspberry leaf:

*helps to balance hormones
*rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese, and phosphous
*rich in vitamins A, B, and C
*due to it's astringent (tightening) properties, this herb is excellent for diarrhea, even for children
*good to use when you have a cold or a fever because of it's antiviral and antibacterial properties
*helps with sterility
*bleeding and inflamed gums
*helps to reduce blood sugar

My favorite way to use this herb is to make a tea with the leaves.  Adults and children can take this herb.

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Did you know inside the human body there’s the endocannabinoid system, with receptors spread throughout the brain and body???

CBD oil gives those receptors new life. Did you know that CBD could possibly change their condition?? Why suffer when there is something that might help?

Herbal CBD OIL Drops have helped me personally so much. I know they will also help you ! 

Order here –

Anxiety? depression?  Try delta 8

Treat viral, fungal and bacterial infections with COLLOIDAL SILVER

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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Milk Thistle And Why I Love It

Milk Thistle Seed: The Liver Tonic

I love milk thistle seed!  It's one of my favorite herbs to take, as it is so beneficial for the liver.  Since the liver is such a critical organ in our body, we need to take good care of it, and milk thistle is an excellent herb to take for liver support.

Just what does the liver do and why is it important?  These are just a few of the important functions of the liver:

*Controls the production and removal of cholesterol
*Makes clotting factors
*Produces immune factors such as gamma gobulin
*Creates bile to help digest food and absorb nutrients
*Helps to clear the body of waste, toxins, and drugs
*Stores vitamins, minerals, and sugars
*Breaks down and eliminates excessive hormones
*Helps to maintain blood pressure

Again, these are just a FEW of the many functions of the you can see the importance of supporting the liver and keeping it healthy!

Milk thistle seed is an extremely beneficial and healing herb for the liver.  These are a few of the possible health benefits of milk thistle seed related to the liver (it has numerous other benefits for other parts of the body):

*Helps to support the liver's ability to regenerate damaged tissue
*Reduces inflammation of the liver and gallbladder
*Improves digestion by stimulating bile production
*Helps to detoxify the liver from poisons like pollution and alcohol
*Provides the body with antioxidants
*Helps to treat cirrhosis of the liver, jaundice, and chronic hepatitis

Milk thistle can be taken in three different forms; capsules, tincture, and tea.  There are different benefits that can be derived from taking it in each of it's three forms, so I recommend rotating how you take your milk thistle seed.  Try rotating through a tincture form, then capsules, then making your own tea. 

To make a milk thistle tea, crush 2 teaspoons of seed with a mortar and pestle, then pour one cup of boiling water over the seeds and allow to sit for 30 minutes before you drink.  You can drink one cup a day.  You can buy organic milk thistle seed at Mountain Rose Herbs by just clicking on my link to the right.

As with any herb, I do recommend taking a break and not taking it daily for extended periods of time unless you are under the guidance of a certified herbalist.  I am not a licensed medical provider and the information in this post should not be construed as medical advice.  If you chose to use milk thistle seed, you will be taking responsibility for your own health and wellness; the FDA has not evaluated this herb.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018



What is turmeric?
  • Turmeric is a spice that is often used in curry dishes. It has been used for years in holistic medicine as a digestive aid and a wound healer. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been used by both the Chinese and Indian cultures for years.
The health and beauty benefits of turmeric:
  • Loaded with antioxidants
  • Helps clean up metabolic waste
  • Natural liver detoxifier
  • Powerful anti-inflammatory
  • Can be used to treat menstrual pain
  • Studies have linked the frequent use of turmeric to lower rates of certain cancers
  • Great for those with acne and other inflammatory skin conditions
  • Protects your skin from free radical damage
Turmeric tea recipe ingredients:
  • 4 cups of unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder
  • 1/4 Tsp ginger
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • dash of black pepper
  • lemon or honey (optional)
  • agave nectar for taste (optional)
  1. Bring 4 cups of almond milk to a boil
  2. Add turmeric powder, ginger, cinnamon, and pepper and simmer for 10 minutes
  3. Strain in a mug using a cheesecloth or mesh strainer or even a coffee filter
  4. Add lemon/ honey or agave nectar to sweeten it up
  5. Save the remaining tea in the fridge to drink later

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Did you know inside the human body there’s the endocannabinoid system, with receptors spread throughout the brain and body???

CBD oil gives those receptors new life. Did you know that CBD could possibly change their condition?? Why suffer when there is something that might help?

Herbal CBD OIL Drops have helped me personally so much. I know they will also help you ! 

Order here –

Anxiety? depression?  Try delta 8

Treat viral, fungal and bacterial infections with COLLOIDAL SILVER

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CBD and Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders like social anxiety are the most common mental health concerns in the United States. An estimated  40 million adult...